In “The Catcher in the Rye” Holden is a typical teenager throughout the whole story, this is shown several times, at first, when he decides to be alone in his room instead of down at the game, that shows us that he is kind of a loner. Then, because he goes to say good bye to his favorite teacher, which shows us that (as most of teenagers do) he has found a person he cares about in a teacher, a person who really impacted his life. The third point is because of how he talks about Ackley, he describes it in a severe and contemptuous way, which is another example of how us, the teenagers, criticize other people when they´re not around. How he talks about adults is also a reference to his teenage years, he is a smart-ass, and thinks he is always right. His deep love for his brothers is shown by how he talks about both of them in a contemptuous way, but just because he cares about them too much, as shown by his destructive rant when his little brother died. His addictions also show another part of his teenage-hood, by being dependand to alcohol and cigarettes, probably because of the stress of those schools and the freedom he had. A clear one is his language, he use slang and foul vocabulary, which is very common at our age. His indifference towards other people and the events in his daily life is also a feeling we share at this age. The most common perhaps is his fear of “the big guy” which was Stradlader, but also how he felt smart and strong enough to punch him, he was very stubbron, as we all are. And finally, the clearest part of how Holden is a typical teenager is his fake indifferance towards everything; he seems as if he does not care about anything that happens (how he got expelled, the fight, his parents, Jane) but he really does, the thing is, that showing feelings is a sign of weakness during teenage years, specially if you´re a man.


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